CMM and CMM Theology
Welcome to CMM College of Theology a part of CMM.
Who’s that you ask? CMM is Christ’s Mandate for Missions. We were founded by Sidney Correll. (You can read more about our history by clicking on this link). We are an interdenominational, spirit-filled missions organization with over 500 missionary leaders serving in 45 nations. We equip and strengthen the local church on a global scale. One of our main thrusts is to equip, train, and release native pastors and leaders to reach their own people as they know their culture the best. We work with many denominations and various streams of the Body of Christ according to Jesus’ heart for unity as he speaks of in John 17. We choose to focus on the ‘majors’ and keep the ‘main thing the main thing’.
We started CMM School of Theology in 2007 at the request of many of our missionaries in many nations and friends here in the US who were hungry to further their Biblical Education and grow stronger in the Word of God. Many wanted to earn an accredited degree but with careers, family, and finances being a priority, many wondered if they would ever be able to complete a degree. We designed this program to fit many lifestyles and schedules. With our online school growing each year we continue to make strides in offering the latest online techniques and cutting-edge styles of learning to truly engage our students in systematic study, critical thinking, ‘virtual classroom experience’, and the ability to interact with your professor and other students, whether they are in the US, Australia, S. Africa, Belgium, etc.
You work at your own pace and you ask all the questions you want. Personal interaction with your professors often leads to lifelong friendships! We pray you are blessed abundantly and hear clearly from the Lord about being part of our school or finding the right place for you, even if it is not with us. We want God’s very best for you and encourage you in your pursuit of excellence in knowing more the King of all creation.
Please write me at (email address) or call 704-909-0623 with more questions. I am happy to speak with you or put you in touch with one of our awesome professors.
Dr. Jorge Parrott, Ph.D.